All our prints are limited editions of 100 unless marked 'Unlimited'. All are printed on 100% cotton rag acid-free paper and with long-lasting pigment inks. Our mounts are made to fine art, archival standard.
Northumberland is a beautiful county. It surely has the greatest range of countryside anywhere in England. From the green valleys of the Tyne rivers to the undulating coastal sand dunes linking Berwick to Druridge Bay; from the sheer cliffs beneath Hadrian's Wall to the huge forest of Keilder, this is an area of contrasts. It features a National Park, two Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and part of an area known as 'England's last wilderness'. I love the views of the Tyne Valley, the trees standing in fields and ancient hedgerows amongst the drystone walls that mark where people have been. The weather; rapidly changing light along the valleys; the moon rising in daytime, all fascinate me. I am very concerned at the threats to our forest heritage by privatisation and the effects of climate change on our world.